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Moneymonzzz was founded in 2014 by a young male named Jamon Weaver from the heart of Atlanta, Georgia. CEO Jamon Weaver came from hard beginnings and experienced tough times from his childhood to early adulthood. One day while brainstorming a way to get out of poverty and change his situation, Mr. Weaver was in search of a career that would motivate and fuel his desire to become the entrepreneur he always manifested he would be. 


Mr. Weaver stumbled across an ad for a profession where he could; make money, not worry about being micromanaged, and be able to work solo or with colleagues if he wanted to, and at a young age, took the leap of faith and traveled Midwest where he would begin his training in the trucking industry. Being thousands of miles away from his hometown for the first time in his life, Mr. Weaver partook in a life changing experience where he met future truck drivers from various backgrounds, upbringings and career goals, whom he soon developed bonds with, learned from, and gained long last friendships that still remain till this day. With sacrifice, discipline and dedication Mr. Weaver purchased his first truck in 2014 and built an empire in the trucking industry where he is able to motivate other males and females with interest in the trucking industry. Provide guidance on how to get into the business and assist with career and financial goals as an employee.


Moneymonzzz is a company, but understands the value of each employee, teamwork and achievement. We are not just a company of drivers, but a company that looks at each employee as their own individual. We value all employees' contributions, their efforts and take into account that this is not only a physical career, but mental, emotional and spiritual.



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